
Birmingham Hockey Association Bylaws


The Birmingham Hockey Association (BHA) shall at all times maintain membership with USA Hockey, the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA) and other affiliated hockey associations in which its teams participate. The rules and regulations of these organizations will govern the BHA except as amended herein. 


Section 1

A current team roster must be filed by each team with the appropriate Division Director (or Travel Director) and BHA Registrar seven (7) days prior to start of any league, exhibition, or playoff game. 

Section 2

Players not properly registered with the Association and MAHA prior to a game will be ineligible to play in that game. 

Section 3

BHA does not require a specific roster size.  It will, however, follow any applicable rules regarding roster sizes from MAHA.

Section 4

Any coach of a team assigned ice for practice or game will be totally responsible for that ice consistent with the Ice Schedule promulgated by BHA. 

Section 5

A BHA team may play only MAHA registered players in any exhibition, select or league games.

Section 6

Each and every coach, manager and volunteer maintains the obligation to obtain the applicable credentials through USA Hockey and MAHA before any applicable deadline governing their participation. The BHA Registrar is available to assist with this process, but the obligation remains with the individual.  

The BHA Board Members must also obtain applicable credentials through USA Hockey and/or MAHA and the BHA Registrar remains similarly available to assist, but the obligation resides with the Board Member.  


Section 1

All players wishing to participate in the BHA program must register. Participation is open to all qualified residents within MAHA District 4 (subject to out-of-district and other applicable exceptions allowed by MAHA) upon payment of the prescribed registration fee and compliance with registration regulations including proof of age. 

Section 2

BHA reserves the right, through its Board of Directors, to prescribe qualification requirements including the promulgation of rules and decisions specifying grounds for refusing or withdrawing participation, disciplinary actions and related matters.

Section 3

Each player shall play in the division determined by USA Hockey and MAHA rules and regulations for their age classifications. Exceptions will only be granted by a vote of the BHA Executive Committee and, if necessary, with MAHA approval.

Section 4

A participant in the BHA program who has registered, paid any required registration fees and willing to abide by the rules and regulations of the BHA shall be considered a player.

Section 5

Each player is required to submit a copy of his/her birth certificate or comparable document at the time of registration. A copy of the passport, if applicable, and green card may be required for non-American citizens to comply with rules, laws or regulations promulgated by MAHA, USA Hockey or the federal government.  

Section 6

Any player who has completed league play in any other hockey league may not be assigned to a BHA team during the current season unless and until a written release is obtained from the other team, but such assignments must be made with the consent of the Travel Director or House Director as applicable and with any necessary approval from MAHA.

Section 7

Any registered player in the BHA may practice with any other team with the written or verbal approval of his/her BHA head coach. A registered BHA player may not play an exhibition or other game with any other team but his/her own unless and until he obtains a release from his/er BHA Division Director (or Travel Head Coach if applicable) and such release must be in compliance with any and all applicable MAHA guidelines. Such a release shall not be given unless all BHA dues are paid in full.

Section 8

A team may replace any registered player during the current season providing the registered player becomes unavailable.  Such replacement must be in compliance with any and all applicable MAHA guidelines.

Section 9

A registration fee, in an amount established by the Board, shall be collected from each player at the start of the season and will be non-refundable. This registration fee must be received by BHA prior to the first practice. Registration fees may be refunded only by approval of the Division Director or Travel Director (whichever is applicable) with the consent of the BHA President. Failure to pay the balance of the annual fee in accordance with terms prescribed by the Board shall result in a player being denied further participation until such time as payment is made.

Section 10

In financial hardship cases, the Coach shall inform the Division Director or Travel Director, as applicable, and then the Director of Hockey. The Director of Hockey shall then advise the BHA President of the situation along with recommendations of the amount that can be paid or the delayed payment schedule that can be met.  The President’s decision shall be considered final.

Section 11

If a player participated in the previous season without full payment of BHA fees, the amount of the arrearage, plus the current season’s fees must be paid in full before the player is allowed to play or practice with a BHA team.

Section 12

If players of the same family wish to participate on the same team in a given division, the parents must inform the Division Director at the time of registration. Efforts will be made by BHA to place those players on the same team, but such requests cannot be guaranteed since, at a minimum, team balance and equality may require siblings to be assigned to different teams. All such accommodations must be made consistent with MAHA guidelines.  

Section 13

All registered participants in the BHA program shall be provided with insurance coverage consistent with the then applicable coverage provided by either USA Hockey or MAHA to the BHA.

Section 14

Player releases must be submitted by the applicable Head Coach to the Director of Hockey and the Registrar for approval.   

Section 15

BHA shall follow the age classifications provided by MAHA applicable for each season.  

Other provisions of these Bylaws notwithstanding, the Mini Mite Division shall be run in a manner consistent with the spirit of USA Hockey’s American Developmental Model and all MAHA rules governing the same.


Section 1

BHA teams must adhere to all MAHA/USA rules regarding game counts for purposes of registering players and teams for sanctioned MAHA District, State or National tournaments.  All applicable MAHA/USA Hockey rules and regulations will apply to BHA games.  Additionally, the structure and length of BHA games will follow the ADM Model as much as circumstances allow.  For all house playoff games, BHA will adhere to the applicable league rules (for example, ADRAY playoff rules).  

Section 2

The coach shall be responsible for assuring that all non-players are authorized to be in the bench area during games and practices. 

Section 3

Overt displays of temper and use of profane language by players, parents, coaches or volunteers while at the Birmingham Ice Arena or Wallace Ice Arena (Cranbrook) (or any other ice rink or venue where BHA activity occurs) will not be tolerated by the BHA. The Board shall have discretion to impose an appropriate penalty on a player for what it deems to be inappropriate conduct.

Section 4

No player shall go onto the ice until the ice resurfacing machine is completely off the ice and all rink doors are closed. No pucks shall be on the ice until all rink doors are closed. All coaches, volunteers and players should also adhere to additional rules promulgated by the Birmingham Ice Arena or Wallace (Cranbrook) (or wherever else a BHA team may skate).  Violations of the provision may be penalized as a minor bench penalty by either the referee, the Division Director or his/her designated assistant.

Section 5

At the conclusion of each game, each team must shake hands with the opposition in an orderly and sportsmanlike manner (unless instructed not to by a game official). Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action against the coach as well as the player.

Section 6

The BHA official score sheet shall be completed in triplicate and used for all games unless otherwise directed by BHA or MAHA. Team Managers must make sure the team maintains all scoresheets to adhere to any MAHA (or any other governing body’s rules) to avoid comprising a team’s eligibility for participating in a District, State or other postseason tournament.  

Section 7

Any incidents detrimental to the BHA involving a coach, player, any member of the Association, or a spectator, or any incident which would necessitate a hearing under the BHA Constitution, shall be reported by those who obtain such knowledge to the Travel Director or House Director (whichever is applicable) and the Director of Hockey within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident.  



Section 1

All uniforms and equipment issued to players of the BHA shall only be used in authorized games or practices.

Section 2

Each Division Director is responsible for managing the equipment needs of all players within his/her Division including practice jerseys, game jerseys and socks.  Directors shall provide quantities, names and sizes of jersey and socks to the Equipment Director for purchase.  Once complete, each Director shall distribute jerseys and socks to all players within the Association.  

Section 3

Each Division Director shall be responsible for all equipment issued to his/her Division and for its return or replacement.  Each Director may be required to sign a receipt for the jerseys, socks and/or equipment at the end of the season or tournament shall obligate the Division Director to reimburse the Association for the replacement of the equipment.  

Section 4

Each player shall be required to wear protective equipment for all games and practices as required by MAHA and USA Hockey.  Neck guards and mouth guards must follow the guidelines prescribed by USA Hockey.  

Section 5

If any portion of a player’s protective equipment becomes damaged during the course of a game, it shall be up to the discretion of the referee as to whether the player may be allowed to participate.  


Section 1

All uniforms and equipment issued to players of the BHA shall only be used in authorized games or practices.

Section 2

All teams must abide by the uniform specs provided by the Association. No team is to deviate from these specs without approval from the Board.  

Section 3

All teams are to purchase required equipment through the Equipment Director and an approved vendor. A list of required equipment will be provided to each Franchise Holder or his/her designated representative each season by the Equipment Director.  

Section 4

Each Franchise Holder or designated representative is responsible for managing the equipment needs for all players on his/her team. Franchise holders or his/her designated representative shall provide a detailed list of needs to the Equipment Director for ordering in a timely manner. Each team is responsible for the cost of the equipment that they order through an approved vendor.  

Section 5

Each player shall be required to wear protective equipment for all games and practices as required by MAHA and USA Hockey. Neck guards and mouth guards must follow the guidelines prescribed by USA Hockey.  

Section 6

If any portion of a player’s protective equipment becomes damaged during the course of a game, it shall be up to the discretion of the referee as to whether the player may be allowed to participate.  

Section 7 

Each Franchise Holder or designated representative shall be responsible for all equipment available to him/her by the Association including but not limited to training equipment, dividers, pucks, etc. Improper use of such equipment outside normal wear and tear, and the season shall obligate the Franchise Holder to reimburse the Association for the replacement of the equipment.  


Section 1

Each Division Director, working with the League Director and coaches, is responsible for organizing and conducting a tryout (if necessary) and open draft for all players registered to play in that Division.

Section 2

BHA’s primary objective in conducting drafts for its House Divisions is competitive balance.  Any and all such drafts shall be conducted in compliance with guidelines provided by the then current MAHA guidelines (if such guidelines exist).  

Section 3

Late registering players not assigned to a team in the draft may be placed on teams by the Division Director with the approval of the League Director. 

Section 4

BHA members may play on travel teams approved in advance of their tryouts and formation by the BHA Board. A travel team may not pick up a player already drafted on a House Team without the approval of the Division Director of the House Team involved. 

Section 5

Once a player has been placed on a team within a Division, he cannot move to another Division without the approval of the Executive Committee. Any and all such changes must be consistent with the then existing MAHA regulations to the extent they apply.   


When deciding upon coach, volunteer and player suspensions, BHA will defer to mandatory guidance provided by the governing body with jurisdiction (for example, AAU, ADRAY or MAHA). BHA does not, however, waive any rights it has regarding suspensions in this context which it otherwise may exercise consistent with the applicable governing body’s authority.  


Section 1

All BHA coaches and managers must consider the participation and advancement of every player to be their fundamental coaching objective.

Section 2

All coaches, managers and volunteers participating in the BHA program shall be approved by the League Director. Coaches must complete any and all applicable credentialing obligations including, but not limited to, USA Hockey CEP clinics, Safesport, Background Checks, etc.  A failure to satisfy this criteria renders a coach/manager/volunteer ineligible to participate with the BHA in this capacity.  

Section 3

All coaches and managers must be knowledgeable of, abide by, and strictly enforce all rules and regulations incorporated in the BHA Constitution and By-Laws. Coaches are encouraged to participate in all coaching clinics designed for their benefit. 

Section 4

The coach shall be responsible for the conduct of himself/herself, his/her assistants, the team manager and his/her players at all times. Coaches must attempt to prevent disorderly conduct before, during, and after each game on or off the ice, and at any place in the rink, place of business, or place of lodging. 

Section 5

The coach, assistant coach or manager must arrive at the Ice Arena a minimum of thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled game or practice. The coach or his assistant must be on the ice (or on the bench) at practices as soon as the players are on the ice.

Section 6

The coach and manager are responsible for the conduct of his/her players in the locker room as well as the condition of their locker rooms before, during, and after a game or practice.

Section 7

The coach or manager must complete his/her portion of the score sheet at least ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the game. The home team coach or manager must deliver said score sheet to the scorekeeper prior to the start of the game.

Section 8

The coach or manager is responsible for those skaters on the ice during a practice session. Such skaters shall only include the coach and his designated assistants, registered team players, and other BHA players who have received prior permission to practice from the coach. All players and coaches must wear complete protective equipment at all times while on the ice during practices, tryouts and games.

Section 9

The coach is responsible for seeing that his/her team leaves the ice immediately at the conclusion of each scheduled practice time.

Section 10

The assistant coach or manager shall assume the responsibilities and duties of the head coach in his/her absence. 

Section 11

It is the responsibility of each head coach to provide competent instruction in the game of ice hockey for all players on his team, promote citizenship, fellowship and sportsmanship at all times.


Section 1

Each team must designate one adult to represent their team in the score-keeping/penalty box area. Each representative shall be responsible as either a timekeeper or scorekeeper. These representatives must conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and as directed by the Division director or his designated assistant.  

Section 2

At the conclusion of a game, the referees shall sign the game score sheet and deliver it to the appropriate team personnel. Copies of the completed score sheet shall also be given to each participating team.


These Bylaws may be altered or amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Section 1

All sponsor funds deposited with the BHA Treasurer will be used only to defray the operating expenses of the Association. 

Section 2

Individuals, groups or businesses may sponsor a team. The cost of a team sponsorship shall be determined by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. The Board may reject any proffered sponsorship.


  1. The Board should determine whether BHA teams will participate in the MAHA playoff tournament which will take place the following February. The Board may determine that some, but not all, teams or divisions will participate.
  2. BHA’s participation in the MAHA playoff tournament shall be in accordance with MAHA rules and regulations.

Section 2

Special Tournaments

Participation in special tournaments may be approved, planned, and/or conducted by the Board appointed Tournament Director with the advice and approval of the League Director and the Division directors of the players involved.


Section 1

Travel Program Objectives

The BHA Travel Program is an extension of the BHA House Program and allows BHA players the opportunity to play at a higher skill level within the auspices of the Association. The travel teams shall, to the extent possible considering ice time and ice availability, skate a majority of their practices and home games out of rinks in the City of Birmingham and the Adjacent Communities.

Section 2

Team Application

Beginning in January of each year, the BHA Board of Directors shall meet for review of the existing Travel Program. The travel season is defined as September 1 through March 31.

By the end of February, evaluation of the number of registrants as well as ice time will be conducted. At that time, the number and placement of franchises will be subject to ice time availability.

All teams must conduct, at a minimum, one (1) tryout per season.  This tryout can occur in the spring or fall (or both if the team so chooses).  

BHA travel teams shall adhere to MAHA rules on Out of District roster spots so each team/player is eligible for MAHA tournament play.  

Any try-outs for Travel Teams must be advertised in the BHA Newsletter, BHA social media presence and other publications as may be appropriate.

Section 3

Uniform Specifications

“RANGER” travel teams shall war Association’s red, white, and blue colors as follows: 

  1. The basic uniform of the game jerseys, pants, helmets, gloves, and socks for the RANGERS which will be the NHL New York Ranger style and colors. 
  2. Other items such as equipment bags, practice jerseys, hats, pants, sweats, and any other apparel shall be in the RANGER colors. 
  3. The BHA Board or its authorized designee shall approve all travel team uniforms in writing.  

Section 4

League Affiliation

In support of the program objectives, travel teams shall participate in either the ADRAY or LITTLE CAESAR AMATEUR HOCKEY LEAGUE unless excused by the Executive Committee. The league affiliation shall be selected by each team and approved by the Travel Director. 

Section 5 

Travel Finances

Travel teams are responsible for their own fees, player fees, and fundraisers as needed. Travel teams will reimburse BHA for all of their direct costs which shall include but not be limited to practice and game ice, insurance costs, registration and league fees. A nominal general franchise fee may be assessed to each team to cover mailing and administrative costs.

Franchise holders must also adhere to terms of their signed franchise agreements.  

Section 6

Travel Team Name

To bring recognition to the BHA and to standardize the names used for its Travel Teams, the authorized name shall be the “RANGERS” OR “LIBERTY” unless there is an exception approved by the Executive Committee.   

If it so happens that there is more than one team in the same age classification (i.e. two PeeWee “A” teams), then the teams classification and team names (including identification and color classification) can be determined by the Travel Director and the teams subject to Board approval.

Revised and approved on March 2, 2023.

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